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Reflecting on being diagnosed with dyslexia at university, Swift struggled with the idea of possession when it came to writing about her work, and wanted to turn this into a positive, rather than something she found difficult. In her most recent sculpture series Possession, she began making work that seemed pointless and radiated uselessness, as its only purpose was to be installed in an exhibition space and seen by the public. The idea of making work that only she understood was incredibly appealing, as her previous works had been heavily influenced by the ideas of others. Wanting the audience to value her process, she left marks, dents and scratches so that the observer can ponder the idea of her process and understand just how much artistic skill goes into each piece. Texture has always been a very important factor for Swift, as this is something she learns new skills from. Her contemporary pieces see a single large hole in each sculpture, allowing the audience to not only look at her work from the outside, but look on the inside as well.


Open Gallery Halifax - 28th May 2022 - 18th June 2022

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